-nds/3d: soft-renderer: uses fast linear color/texture interpolation when w1=w2
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct texture (eg. eragon/demo)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports perspective-correct rgb color interpolation
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: picks correct vertex/color/attributes on 1dot polygons
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at existing/possible x1=256 (off-screen)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows bigger than possible rear-depth (clubhouse dart)
-nds/3d/debug: vram viewer correctly shows swap buffers as 1st command in tree
-nds/3d/help: added note on situations where lower/right edges are excluded
-nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing doesn't work with (opaque) lines and wire-frames
-nds/3d/help: anti-aliasing isn't used on edge-marked polys/lines/wire-frames
-nds/3d/help: swap_buffers parameters are applied on the FOLLOWING gxcommands
-nds/3d/help: swap_buffers does NOT copy re-ports (disp3dcnt/toon_table/etc)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports w-buffering (games with reversed z working)
-nds/3d/help: confirmed guessed texture slot locations for rear-plane bitmaps
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: allows dots on lower/right clip-boundary (off-viewport)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: prevents polys at y1=192 or y1=negative (off-screen)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: handles faulty viewports (exceeding 192 scanlines)
-nds/3d: re-renders old frame on master changes (disp3dcnt or port 330h..3BFh)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: discards correct vertex of invalid twisted X quads
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates edge-marking (edge_color, opaque, polygon_id)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of line-segments and wire-frames
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of edge-marked polygons
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct size of translucent and opaque polys
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: enulates inwards/outwards/left/right/front/back edges
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates steep, flat, vertical, horizontal edges
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: emulates correct rounding of screen coordinates
-nds/3d: supports direct capture from 3d engine (instead from engine a only)
-nds/2d/bugfixes: inits engine b on reset, fixed engine b base in vram viewer
-nds/3d: opengl: internally breaks all polygon strips to separate polygons
-nds/3d: buffers translucent polys, and renders them later (after opaque polys)
-nds/3d/help: corrected polygon_attr.bit11 (affects pixels, not whole polygons)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: stores alpha in framebuf (unlike evil generic opengl)
-nds/3d/help: added description on clamped textures (clips to minmax 0,siz-1)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports texture clamp, repeat, and flip-repeat modes
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips texcoord (only if needed; point1 or point2>max)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: supports toon table (and skips green/blue calculations)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: does texture blending (modulation,decal,toon,highlight)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: explodes texture bitmap and renders texture by texcoord
-nds/3d: emulates polygon_attr having no effect until next begin_vtxs command
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: renderer uses linear (quick'n'dirty) color/texcoord
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on rendering
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates color and texcoord (if any) on clipping
-nds/3d: allocates/stores color/texcoord/screencoord in each buffered vtx-entry
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: re-ensures range after clipping (for rounding errors)
-nds/3d: vram viewer: fixed 4x4 texel texture mode1 crash (missing pusha/popa)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_update for translucent polys (less only)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: optional depth_less or depth_equal rendering condition
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: interpolates depth (z) horizontally and vertically
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: initializes rear-plane rgba,depth,etc (blank or bitmap)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: front/back/linesegment check (on first three vertices)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: hides far-plane-intersecting (if enabled in poly_attr)
-nds/3d: soft-renderer: clips polygons to all six sides of the view-volume
-web/paypal: added an evil "donate 2.50 and download newest version" button
-dos: due to the soft-renderer, dos version is now fully supporting 3d video
-a22i: added LO (usingned lower) as alias for CC (carry clear) (thanks niels)
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